Ulloa Cellars has been manifested with love and intention as well as a little bit of magic. I have always utilized all the resources available to me to pack these babies with as many loving vibes as possible. One of the resources/tools I have used to infuse my wines is Crystals. Each crystal has a different property, and these properties are transmitted into anything they touch in form of vibrations which I refer to as VIBES. These vibes range from self-love, mindfulness, clarity, surrendering, abundance & protection.
My babies (as I call my wines) all have a different personality based on their flavor profile, what I learned while making them and the Goddess who is being honored in every label. I pair each wine with a particular crystal which aligns with the vibes and embodiment of the wine. I also have utilized the crystals during the winemaking process by resting the crystals on top of the barrels. The crystals on their own, have been charged under the full moon, as well as trough healing sound from crystal quartz sound bowls.
For the consumer, the purpose of having these pairings is to relay the vibes through the wine and the crystal being present during the consumption of the wine, but more than that, I want to educate people about the properties and benefits of these crystals and how they can incorporate them in their everyday lives.